Monthly Archive:: January 2008
Maids of the Living Dead
There are many, many girls in Japan who dress as maids, either professionally
The Dapper But Sexually Repressed Justice League
Have you read the excellent Batman Elseworlds graphic novel Gotham By Gaslight? The
Japan Inches Ever Closer to Building a Real Gundam
That darned Japan! As soon as you beat them in a World War,
The Six Terrifying Side Effects of Erectile Dysfunction Medication
By Rob Bricken
So you want to have a boner.
That?s cool. Everyone enjoys
Wolverine Hates Ice-Skating New Zealanders
The X-Men were created to protect a world that hates and fears them,
Newtype USA Magazine to Die, So That PiQ Magazine Can Live
Anime licensor A.D. Vision seems to be having a rough week. First, they
Stan Lee Tribute Art is Understandably Artsy
In case you couldn't make it out to the Stan Lee art tribute
‘Justice League,’ ‘G.I. Joe’ Movies Ready to Disappoint
I got bad news and bad news, folks:
1) Despite the recent announcement that
2008 Toy of the Year: Mohinder!
Breaking! Mezco Toys has released images of the first wave of Heroes action