Monthly Archive:: February 2008
New Iron Man Trailer During Lost Tonight
Just a reminder. Since I'm sure you needed a reason to watch Lost,
Slayers and Trigun Return; One is News, The Other Isn’t
Weird. Two old anime series (well, hits from the '90s, at any rate)
5 Shameful Shows You Don?t Watch (But Probably Should)
By Jason Arango
It's a phenomenon that occurs more frequently than I'd like. While
Christopher Lee is a Star Wars Sex Magnet
My friends have long known about my adoration and not-quite-carnal affection with Christopher
Super Awesome Japanese Thing: Diet Beer
I've just booked a one-way to Narita.
Trends in Japan has word that a
My Lack of Knowledge About Battlestar Galactica Prevents Me from Mocking It
I'm told this is an awesome preview of Season 4 of Battlestar Galactica,
Justice League Movie Back on Track for Awesomeness in 2009
Ha ha! I'm just kidding! Because the movie is doomed.
Variety says Warner Bros.