Comics Archive
Pics of Mattel DC Superheroes Toys Wave 3
Bummed out about the demise of the Justice League movie? Dry your tears,
Nerd Movie Trifecta: X-Files, Justice League, Cloverfield
? The Justice League has been defeated?not by Lex Luthor or a giant
Star Trek News Trifecta
Now that semi-acclaimed and reasonably competent director/producer J.J. Abrams has taken over the
Keri Russell is the Voice of That Skank Wonder Woman
Keri Russell?star of Mission Impossible 3 and Felicity, the show my wife (and
Wolverine Also Hates Liev Schreiber
Not content with ice-skating Kiwis, X-Men hero Wolverine also hates Liev Schreiber for
Spectacular Spider-man Toys are Less Than Spectacular
So there's a new Spider-man cartoon hitting on March 1st, and of course,
The Dapper But Sexually Repressed Justice League
Have you read the excellent Batman Elseworlds graphic novel Gotham By Gaslight? The
Wolverine Hates Ice-Skating New Zealanders
The X-Men were created to protect a world that hates and fears them,